Best and free websites for computer user , students , computer programmers or for a office user :
In this blog, I have shared some most best & very useful websites for the users. These websites are extremely useful for every one but specially for computer or I.T students, internet user or for those who works at office. These websites will always help them and saves their time. So you must know about these websites. You can use these websites on your Mobile phones, computers or in a laptop.So lets start,
NO # 1 PDF Drive ;
PDF Drive is a free web crawler which allows you to look, review and download a huge number of PDF records into your gadgets. Google crawlers continually filters all the web and add the PDF documents to the database. When PDF documents are pulled back from the web, these records are likewise pulled back from PDF Drive list items in a flash. Many of us like to reading books. There are many kind of researchers who do research on any topic. This website is specially for them. They simply go there open PDF drive and search the book, which he wants to read. and they can download them free.
No # 2 ;
Remove .bg is a websites, which proves totally helpful for those people who loves photography. Some times a photographer wants to edit his picture, or remove his/her picture's background. In this way this website is totally for him/her. You can do easy access to this website. you just go to your browser and open, then upload your picture which you want to edit. and edit your picture easily there.No # 3 Paste ;
This website is almost all kind of users. Suppose, You have a long text data or suppose you are a programmer, and have a too much long coding material. Now you want to send it to any body. You just copy your data and go to the Paste and their paste your data. Further more, You can add there expire date which helps you to delete your sending data after the date which you add. Mostly programmers use this website.No # 4 ;
This website is specially for those peoples who are blogger or a You Tuber. Or, if you are a student and you need some royalty free pictures which you want to use in your website, this website proves very helpful to you. You can easily go there and download any kind of pictures, videos which you want, or to you use in your website.No # 5 W3 ;
W3 is a website for those persons who want to learn any kind of computer languages like C++, C#, PHP, Python or many more. If you want to become a good programmer or want to became a web designer, this website is very helpful to you. This is a free website and you can learn any kind of computer language free.
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